I was compiling a big list of audio streams so as I did not have
to go
to websites every time I wanted to listen to something different. Novel
idea, neh?
[NOTE: “neh” = Japanese “ne” + Canadian “eh”]
Anyways, after I had done all the tedious editing, I had my ultimate
playlist of 60 (non-unique) streams. I concatenated all the “.pls”
files I downloaded, and then did minor fixups (renumbering). When I
loaded the list into XMMS, which I generally use to listen to music,
none of the extra information was being displayed; just the internet
address. At first, I thought it was a bug with the playlist; something
as simple as support for the pls
playlist format
must be implemented! Both the format and XMMS have been
for a long time. I was about to download the source and see
much effort it would take to implement, when I saw this.
So the next version of XMMS will most likely support exactly what I was
looking for. Good.
Oh, here’s the file I created, if anyone is interested. streams.pls