I woke up this morning and it was so cold my nose very nearly fell off! It was more of a shock for me as I have recently taken to sleeping in later, and allowing the the house to heat up a bit before I attempt to escape the warm safety of my bed. But now, with school, I must face the elements and travel one humongous metre to my clothes five times a week! (Saturday and Sunday are clearly optional). I took a screenshot to prove the recent drop in temperature in Vancouver… yeah, that sounds stupid, but anyways….

Cold, hard proof! And it might even snow soon! My computer tells me so. This is Vancouver, people!
Yesterday, I also had the opportunity to get together with the Gifu Crew for some good ‘ol fashion’d takoyaki, or “octopus dumplings.” I made one of my favourite bean dips, and no-one could stop Alex from making miso soup if they tried. We ate, drank, talked of things both old and new, and yes, we even played gamecube. For the record, I trounced John in Super Smash Bros, but we didn’t play enough truly have a good match… that takes hours! Ben dominated in Double Dash, and Monkey Ball was all over the place. Oh, and congratulations must be sent to Ben and Mayu on their recent engagement. 🙂
next time!