You know you’re trying to do too many things at once when…
Managing browser tabs needs its own methodology, like GTD: Every week, go through your open tabs and close as many as you can. I don’t actually need to read that article. Not interested in this, any more. etc.
Clearly, I fail. >.< Restoring this session of 20 tabs brings Firefox up to 80MB, right away. Most of my current tabs are about different programming things: various references, tutorials, articles… as well as a tab to feedburner – for some reason, I’m addicted to looking at my blog’s meagre statistics. It’s fun!
Side Note: One thing that’s pretty cool, that can help minimize the tabs open for Python reference, is the Python sidebar. If there was only a pyGTK section in the sidebar….
When I’ve had tabs sitting open with no activity… I copy the link into a “would-be-nice” Tomboy note and close the tab. This helps a little… but I still have generally too many tabs open to help with the task at hand – and I prefer tabs to new windows (opening new windows is painfully slow on my setup, not sure why). If you have a similar problem of many tabs open at one time, I highly recommend the Tab Groups Firefox extension. Take a look:
Wow. The extension is still super early (I think it’s already caused FF to crash once), it takes a little while to sort the tabs when restoring a session, and you can’t move the Tab Groups around… but I’m definitely going to continue using it. It allows for much easier navigation of your current session, rather than scroll-click-is-this-what-i’m-looking-for-if-not-repeat. And for some reason, it even feels snappier! 😮 So this helps you Get Tabs Organized, which helps GTC, which helps GTD. Yay. 🙂