I got back early from school, today, so I decided to go for a bikeride. I biked up Mt Seymour; right into the parking lot. Why would I torture myself like that? Well, we have a new Japanese student and the 2nd or 3rd day he was here, he did it. I thought to myself, “Shit, I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’ve never done it!” Now, the question wasn’t really if I would do it, but when. Today, I had time. Crazy Japanese student, Naoya, I accept your challenge! π
So… I left around 2:45pm. I didn’t take the most direct route up, and I stopped at Dorothy Lynas school to fix my bike… but whatever. π I got to the top of the mountain around 4:45pm. 2 hours up. Other bikers passed me, but they were either in a car or biking machines! π At the top I snapped a couple of photos of the naked mountain and unsuccessfully searched for clean water. The way down was obviously much quicker. I was back home hydrating myself by 5:45pm! π
This is the slolom slope, I think. And me.
Lodge Chair
Mystery Chair
what are biking machines, sounds like a fancy name for bikes.
(and how do i use smilies in comments?)
oops forgot to put name in.
biking machines are people that probably bike up the mountain every week. Seriously, when my legs felt like jelly these dudes just whizzed past me! To add smilies, click on the link labeled “WP Emoticons” to see the code for each smiley. example:
is “mrgreen” surrounded by “:”‘s. π
Hey, I’m sitting with Larry right now, waiting for the stupid cs410 lecture to end!
I wish I can meet as many Japanese students like you.
I still haven’t got around to bringing my laptop to class. Trying to keep my bag small, at the moment. But for some of the lectures, it would be really nice. I just can’t write nearly as fast as I can type. π₯