WordPress 1.5

I upgraded my blog from WordPress 1.2 to 1.5, today. The theme is the default, and I’ll probably leave it like that until I decide to rewrite one, myself. I could use the CSS I had previously made, but the theme system is quite different from 1.2, and I’d rather have a theme using the new system – so I don’t really see a point. Plus, this new theme is refreshing… until I see it on everyone else’s blog, I suppose.

Now, I can look into getting a plugin to make picture posting more enjoyable. 🙂


  1. Now that I saw this default theme, I remember what one of my private blogs was for…. I made one for tracking my JLPT study progress, and stopped updating it after the second post. I called it “66 days before JLPT”.

    Ben knows!

    You should at least look for an hentai anime picture to fit into the box up there.

  2. I like this default theme, it reminds me of the firefox startup page.
    Hows ur new apartment?

    (Plus, no more weird code to type)

  3. Damn, this is where threaded commenting comes in handy…

    Shirley: You mean, Ben knows about your secret, non-public, personal, experimental blogs!? 😮 haha! I bet you have like.. over 10 blogs. Nothing is safe. There is already a WP plugin for syncing w/LJ, and with the new WP template system, you can make a single blog look different depending on what categories you’re looking at – so you should only really need one blog. And I wouldn’t want to scare away my massive female audience (you) with hentai.

    John and Alex: I didn’t know that “weird code” was such a hassle. :-/ Seriously, it took like 2 secs. Not like you have to create and account and login or anything stupid like that. 😉 But, this version has some spam handling built-in. I’m interested to see how it works.

    Oh, and the apartment is fine. 😀 I will try to get some pics up. Really, I will… after getting a plugin or something. *sigh*

  4. Ya ya the lj sync plugin, but I don’t like how it deals with comments from lj.

    I need multiple blogs because they need to be private, not because of how they look. Needless to say, I don’t want Ben to visit my secret Sanrio blog, he would crap all over the place.

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