Well, I eventually got tired of my blog looking almost identical to all other WordPress 1.5 blogs, so I updated it with a new header image! W00p! I spent a ridiculous amount of time screwing around with the Gimp to finally end up with that. All photo content stolen from my diving trip in Japan.… Continue reading Updates
I recently stumbled upon Guifications , a notification plug-in for Gaim. Even more recently, I discovered it has a built in theme editor!… so I made a theme. 🙂 It’s called iZM_Blue, because I was feeling creative. It’s simple, clean, and most importantly, blue. I based it off the default theme to have existing support… Continue reading iZM_Blue
Firefox Extensions
Holy crap! My site’s not down! Rock! Well, actually, I should study. But I can post something short, like this: Currently installed Firefox extensions. I should actually uninstall a couple, cuz I don’t use them. What does everyone else use? Post links to your extensions in the comments! (List generated w/Listzilla extension).
Me in 40 Years…
Shirley pointed me out this amazingly great time waster! So my roommate and I went ahead and took a couple pictures to use, and many laughs followed. If you don’t take a good, straight-on photo, the results won’t be that great. Click on my sexy mug to see my first set of pics (based on… Continue reading Me in 40 Years…
Adventures in Packaging
Japan is well known for having extravagant and sometimes strange packaging. Often times, it seems more efforts are put into the packaging than the product contained within. I had many interesting experiences, living in Japan. (Not being able to read Japanese adds significantly to the mysteriousness of most things…) Even though I’m not in Japan,… Continue reading Adventures in Packaging
Sin City
“There are times when you have to prove to your friends that you’re worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying… Sometimes that means killing a whole lotta people.” It was awesome. Watch it in the theatre. (testing gnome-blog)
Open Office VS Abiword
Okay, it’s more like OOwriter VS Abiword… This is a fairly accurate description of my usual document creation process: Round 1, FIGHT! open Abiword, cuz it’s a lean, mean documenting machine. start writing my document, saving in abw (Abiword native format) eventually, require a feature that Abiword does not support (more control of embedded images,… Continue reading Open Office VS Abiword
Zaurus Sketches
I’m alive, and I thought I’d better make a quick post to prove it. Actually, I think my disease has finally dissipated. I’ve done a few geeky things which I will blog about later, most likely. But for now, here’s the grand total of four sketches I’ve created on my Zaurus with either the default… Continue reading Zaurus Sketches
Keep your distance
Last week was fun. Tuesday: midterm. Wednesday: midterm. Thursday: presentation. Awesome. I haven’t had that much fun in a while. I didn’t really get any sleep on Tuesday night, and very little on Wednesday, so I’m blaming that on my current situation: I’m sick. It was weird. I was trying to study for my physics… Continue reading Keep your distance
WordPress Bugs
WordPress is great, but it’s far from perfect. The few who have left comments may have noticed that they must be moderated. Well, according to my current settings, I should only have to moderate your first comment. All subsequent comments should not have to be moderated by me. Obviously, that hasn’t been the case. As… Continue reading WordPress Bugs