Last week ended on a strange combination of joy and pain. Joy from having my company Christmas party and getting off early for the weekend. It was pretty good. There were a few hundred of us at the Hilton. We had Turkey (with all the regular fixins), some white fish in a creamy sauce, and… Continue reading joy and pain
Movies ‘n Stuff
Watched a bunch of stuff recently. Read on… Firefly (20th Century Fox Series) – IMDB I just finished watching this surprisingly charming little sci-fi series. I say little because it was cancelled by Fox after just 15 episodes… probably replaced by some lame reality TV show. Anyways, it’s cheesy – real cheesy – but it’s… Continue reading Movies ‘n Stuff
KDE, Soccer, and Exhaustion
I went to the VanLUG, on Monday, to see Aaron Seigo do a presentation on KDE – where it is now, and it’s direction for the future. Admittedly, I’m a Gnome user, myself, but I was interested in hearing about KDE from one of its core developers. Also, I believe in that happy place where… Continue reading KDE, Soccer, and Exhaustion
During the last month…
It’s been a while since I’ve actually blogged anything. Like Jon observed, you get used to a routine, and if blogging isn’t part of it, it’s just not gonna happen. I’m less likely to spend time on the computer when I get home from working with a computer all day. Been spending more time with… Continue reading During the last month…
Belated Fishing Story
Fishing I was planning on holding a grand scale BBQ for anyone that wanted to come, but I had to be an ass and revoke my invitation 1 day after it was sent. This is why: my brother, Aryk, called me that day and asked if I would like to go salmon fishing on the… Continue reading Belated Fishing Story
Settling in at work
Had an interesting day at work, today. My current task involves using a web interface to rebuild pages for a test environment. This is extremely boring and repetitious work, and it will take a long time to complete. When my supervisor gave me the task, he told me to take my time. Okay. I will.… Continue reading Settling in at work
Joining the colony
Well, I’ve been in the corporate working world since Tuesday. I’ve had a number of administrative “issues,” perhaps even more than when I was working in Japan, but they’re much more easily resolved. The first day, I was given massive design documents to look over and get myself acquainted with the overall scope of our… Continue reading Joining the colony
UBC CS Button Results
It’s ironic: I spend days sorting and reducing the number of clothes I’ve accumulated over the years, but then just today I go out and spend $100 dollars – mostly on clothes. It’s not illogical, as I need these clothes for work, but it is ironic… and it makes me a little sad. I hope… Continue reading UBC CS Button Results
Of all the submissions (I’m not sure how many there were, but I alone submitted 14), 12 were selected. The page can be seen here. 2 of my 14 made it in, numbers 11 and 12 (the last two on the page). I like some of the other designs, but I hope 11 wins.… Continue reading UBC CS Logo
the shop’s moving
A very short notice, but my website will be leaving it’s current server. I do not wish to renew another year with my current host, and am open to recommendations. Current subscription ends August 4. There will most definitely be a delay between old/new servers… not sure how long. Days, weeks….. ? What I’m looking… Continue reading the shop’s moving