this post done from the comfort of my couch using the new Wii internet channel. looks like the kubrick wp theme works perfectly. 🙂
I got a Wii
On Friday, December 8th, at 9am, I was among many that were ushered into the Best Buy on Cambie St in Vancouver. As we walked down the stairs, there were a bunch of staff that clapped. I gave my ticket to one of the guys at the bottom and he directed me to my basket… Continue reading I got a Wii
I’m still alive
But my laptop is not. Well, the battery is not, anyway. I can basically only put it into suspend and resume it somewhere, without any use in between. Example: I was on the bus, and I “resumed” a suspended session from my laptop. I already had a pdf open, and I wanted to search for… Continue reading I’m still alive
Wares, they cometh
Some very cool stuff in the wonderful world of software(tm): Flash 9 beta for Linux (finally!) OMG OMG OMG – so much better. faster. no (or way fewer) sound issues. GTK standalone player available, as well. Now I don’t have to cringe when I receive a link to “that really cool flash site.” Gaim 2.0… Continue reading Wares, they cometh
Bitter Sweet
Yesterday, I was at a cafe with my friend, Jesse. We each bought a coffee and a cookie for our nutritional kick-start of the day (around noon, at the time). I gave my visa card to the well-endowed clerk to pay for my purchase, and she gave me the debit user-input pad saying “You have… Continue reading Bitter Sweet
Wife-beating-turtle video
FAZED – Videos Jesse linked me to this. Hilarious. I think I’d be willing to pay a small sum for someone to digitally enhance it and add a white wifebeater to the horny turtle. That would just be awesome. Posted as a test of flock. Pretty cool. Seems fast too. Almost motivation enough to get… Continue reading Wife-beating-turtle video
Don’t worry, I know I need smaller posts…
School Holy crap, school has already started! Luckily, my schedule isn’t too intense (read: class starts at 2pm every day). heh. But… No more vacation!!!!! :'( I’m taking two computer courses, Advanced Software Engineering (CPSC 410) and Distributed Systems (CPSC 416), 20th Century Wolrd History (HIST 103), as well as the English Grammar course I’m… Continue reading Don’t worry, I know I need smaller posts…
Cowpoke ‘n Family Folk
I’ve fallen behind my blogging, again. Been busy playing w/Python and acquiring new toys: rollerblades, printer, audio player, extra ram for my notebook. Details on those and their related hardships, later. Just wanted to say I’ll be going to the Flying U to ride some horsies with my family. I haven’t been there for a… Continue reading Cowpoke ‘n Family Folk
Python Workshop, Pets, and Salmon
Vancouver Python Workshop Had a good (and very geeky) time. Met some cool people (including a local Summer-of-Coder)! Sweet. I was almost always in the “Beginner Track,” as I was completely unfamiliar with the language. Paul Prescod did an excellent job of offering a two-day introduction to the Python language, and Jim O’Leary had a… Continue reading Python Workshop, Pets, and Salmon
Cramming the Snake
Yesterday, I had a nice time relaxing. Went for a bit of a bike ride to the park, played on the swings for a while (I friggin love swings!), got a venti coffee Frappuccino, took a look at Myung-Jin’s new camera (she is one of our current homestay students), did some blogging, and made hamburgers.… Continue reading Cramming the Snake