using System.Diagnostics; … Process.Start (“file:///home/”); Did a bit of IRC channel ping-pong today. Went over to #f-spot to ask a user-related question about f-spot, and got pulled in by curiosity on a totally unrelated topic: opening a folder with the default file-manager. Initiated some discussion on #mono and discovered this was, in fact, not trivial… Continue reading How to open a folder with the default file-manager in mono/C#
Tag: Linux
Faking MAC Address in Linux
I’m house-sitting for my brother, and I brought my computer over so I didn’t die of boredom, alone, in a house for a week. The problem is the Internet over here is hooked up directly to the modem, and the Internet provider will only provide an Internet address (IP address) to the ethernet card that… Continue reading Faking MAC Address in Linux
Free Games and Entertainment
UFO2000 So for the last month or so… some friends (one, in particular) have been nagging me to get UFO 2000 to work. If you’re not familiar with XCOM: UFO Defence or XCOM: Terror From the Deep, they’re really awesome turn-based strategy/simulation games originally released by Microprose in 1993, for the PC. My friends and… Continue reading Free Games and Entertainment
More Ubuntu Feisty
Rhythmbox is becoming more awesome The new version of Rhythmbox included in Feisty, version 0.10.0, is very nice! I’m totally impressed with the enhancements since the last version I was using. Jamendo integration: it will download the catalogue of artists and songs on Jamendo, and you can browse or play it just as if it… Continue reading More Ubuntu Feisty
Gaim / Pidgin – New Icon and Beta 7
As you likely already know (if you’re reading this blog), Gaim is now Pidgin. Here are the new application icons and about screen. And the full logo (I’m pretty sure it’s not a secret anymore…). Gaim/Pidgin beta 7 should be out today, according to the dev mailing list. Can Pidgin really have a beta7? heh.… Continue reading Gaim / Pidgin – New Icon and Beta 7
Ubuntu Feisty and Azureus
Azureus was acting strange, stopping all downloading shortly after it started. java -version told me my default java was not Sun’s Java 1.5, but gcj 1.4-something. In fact, I did not even have Sun’s Java installed. Installing Sun’s Java: Use Synaptic and search for “java5” to install or…. sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin Updating the default… Continue reading Ubuntu Feisty and Azureus
short term past/present/future
Gatherings Had a nice get-together with the gifu-crew, on Sunday. Chinese-Taiwanese-Japanese fusion hot-pot shabu shabu. 😮 The pot was courtesy of Shirley (thanks!), despite her not being able to make it. Unfortunately, I don’t think there were are any pictures captured in the digital medium to show. But it was good times! Ubuntu Feisty My… Continue reading short term past/present/future
Wares, they cometh
Some very cool stuff in the wonderful world of software(tm): Flash 9 beta for Linux (finally!) OMG OMG OMG – so much better. faster. no (or way fewer) sound issues. GTK standalone player available, as well. Now I don’t have to cringe when I receive a link to “that really cool flash site.” Gaim 2.0… Continue reading Wares, they cometh
Don’t worry, I know I need smaller posts…
School Holy crap, school has already started! Luckily, my schedule isn’t too intense (read: class starts at 2pm every day). heh. But… No more vacation!!!!! :'( I’m taking two computer courses, Advanced Software Engineering (CPSC 410) and Distributed Systems (CPSC 416), 20th Century Wolrd History (HIST 103), as well as the English Grammar course I’m… Continue reading Don’t worry, I know I need smaller posts…
Python Workshop, Pets, and Salmon
Vancouver Python Workshop Had a good (and very geeky) time. Met some cool people (including a local Summer-of-Coder)! Sweet. I was almost always in the “Beginner Track,” as I was completely unfamiliar with the language. Paul Prescod did an excellent job of offering a two-day introduction to the Python language, and Jim O’Leary had a… Continue reading Python Workshop, Pets, and Salmon