In less than three days, (this Monday) I will pick up Maki at the Vancouver airport. The following day we will be leaving, southbound, for California. The plan is fairly free-form, but places I want to hit are Florence (do the Oregon sand dunes with dune-buggies!), the Oregon Coast (obviously), San Francisco, Monterey (supposedly hosts… Continue reading Road Trip
Author: Steve
(Had this sitting in my drafts for about a week… time to finish it up and push it out!) After setting up my Wacom Graphire tablet on my laptop (copy-pasting some xorg.conf stuff) I decided to leave it on my bed. If I leave it on, with the Gimp (graphic application) open and the tablet… Continue reading Doodles
Ubuntu Hardy Heron is out! [ Features | Download ] If I disappear for a while, something probably didn’t go smoothly. I almost expect a problem with my wireless drivers… :/ *click* Update: As I anticipated, my desktop had (and is still having) some troubles with the wireless. I’m currently able to connect to the… Continue reading Upgrading
Watching and Reading
(Online) Comics I’ve been reading Butternut Squash – Start at the beginning. Polished style. Crude humour. Hilarious. (Thanks for pointing this out, Jon!) Kukuburi – Start at the beginning. Elaborate style. Adventure. Bit of a slow start. Actually the plot’s still unravelling, but the art is pretty and the story is getting interesting. (By the… Continue reading Watching and Reading
Been to Whistler? Check. (It’s about time!) And I must say, it was absolutely amazing…. I wasn’t prepared for the size of it – I knew it was big, but it is massive. I guess it’s hard to realize without actually being there. I must return many more times, next year. 🙂 If anybody else… Continue reading Whistler
Crazy Spring Weather
A couple nights ago, on April 18 (!!!!), it started snowing in Deep Cove. This is NOT normal Spring weather! It’s even more strange because Deep Cove was the only place to get dumped on so bad, even compared to places right next to (and higher than) us! Anyway, it started as hail, then became… Continue reading Crazy Spring Weather
I signed up for Twitter. If you ever wanted to know what I had for breakfast, now you can! Yay. I also updated my blog’s sidebar with custom widgets; something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I broke up the standard “Meta” widget into a Subscribe and an Admin/Login widget, and shoved the… Continue reading Tweet
Open Web Vancouver 2008
I’m going. If you see me there, please say ‘hi’ and offer me a job. 😉 (Preferably, one that requires a brain.) I look like this (when playing video poker in Vegas): Oh! It was a hard choice, but I purchased a pyrate shirt. Yeah. 🙂
Snakes in an Office
I’ve mentioned before that my job (whose contract is almost up) doesn’t require programming. But that doesn’t mean that programming is not useful. When I first got my laptop, I asked the tech guy about the process of installing new software. It went something like this: Write a formal request for the software you would… Continue reading Snakes in an Office
Free Software to Look Forward to
WordPress 2.5 is out! This one makes me overly excited because it comes with a built-in gallery!!! FINALLY! And with multi-file upload!! I was just playing with it and It looks like it will suit my purposes just fine. I guess I will continue avoiding the Flickrs and other such community-based photo sites, for now.… Continue reading Free Software to Look Forward to