joy and pain

Last week ended on a strange combination of joy and pain. Joy from having my company Christmas party and getting off early for the weekend. It was pretty good. There were a few hundred of us at the Hilton. We had Turkey (with all the regular fixins), some white fish in a creamy sauce, and… Continue reading joy and pain

Movies ‘n Stuff

Watched a bunch of stuff recently. Read on… Firefly (20th Century Fox Series) – IMDB I just finished watching this surprisingly charming little sci-fi series. I say little because it was cancelled by Fox after just 15 episodes… probably replaced by some lame reality TV show. Anyways, it’s cheesy – real cheesy – but it’s… Continue reading Movies ‘n Stuff

KDE, Soccer, and Exhaustion

I went to the VanLUG, on Monday, to see Aaron Seigo do a presentation on KDE – where it is now, and it’s direction for the future. Admittedly, I’m a Gnome user, myself, but I was interested in hearing about KDE from one of its core developers. Also, I believe in that happy place where… Continue reading KDE, Soccer, and Exhaustion

Categorized as General

Settling in at work

Had an interesting day at work, today. My current task involves using a web interface to rebuild pages for a test environment. This is extremely boring and repetitious work, and it will take a long time to complete. When my supervisor gave me the task, he told me to take my time. Okay. I will.… Continue reading Settling in at work

Categorized as Geek, General

Joining the colony

Well, I’ve been in the corporate working world since Tuesday. I’ve had a number of administrative “issues,” perhaps even more than when I was working in Japan, but they’re much more easily resolved. The first day, I was given massive design documents to look over and get myself acquainted with the overall scope of our… Continue reading Joining the colony

Categorized as Geek, General


Of all the submissions (I’m not sure how many there were, but I alone submitted 14), 12 were selected. The page can be seen here. 2 of my 14 made it in, numbers 11 and 12 (the last two on the page). I like some of the other designs, but I hope 11 wins.… Continue reading UBC CS Logo

Categorized as General

the shop’s moving

A very short notice, but my website will be leaving it’s current server. I do not wish to renew another year with my current host, and am open to recommendations. Current subscription ends August 4. There will most definitely be a delay between old/new servers… not sure how long. Days, weeks….. ? What I’m looking… Continue reading the shop’s moving