Loonie VS US$, last 5 years Loonie VS JPN?(Yen), last 5 years Related Man, I should make an effort to read the news or something, more often. The highest I remember hearing the CDN dollar at, in recent years, has been about $0.80 US. I had NO idea it was above $0.90 US! Holy crap…… Continue reading Whoo, Look at our crazy bird soar!
Author: Steve
Spicy Shrimp “Kebabs”
Okay. Apparently, my last blog post was in March. If that’s true, … well, that can’t possibly be true. Let’s just forget about that. I finished my 8-month internship, last Friday, and have now returned to school. yay for me. Actually, I’m only taking one course for the first term, so it should be pretty… Continue reading Spicy Shrimp “Kebabs”
I want to make ramen
My Laptop! Got my laptop back, on Thursday. Amazing, it was almost exactly 2 weeks after I dropped it off that they called and said I could pick it up – exactly what they predicted. Turns out the PCMCIA was just loose, so they just fit it back into place and everything works again. New… Continue reading I want to make ramen
jibber jabber
First, some links: Japan Comic (good for people that have been) Oh, Penny Arcade, thou art funny. (Scared gamers making “the switch”) JS Debugger Venkman for Firefox 1.5 (normally has dependency issues for modern versions) Made a small change to my blog. You now have to answer an incredibly difficult skill testing question when making… Continue reading jibber jabber
Honey Nut Cheerios + Coffee @ 11:30pm = dinner
So I went to Futureshop after work, today, to send my laptop off to get serviced (again). My first service experience with them wasn’t very great: they took a super long time when filling out the papers; the salesman wasn’t really friendly; and after the 6 weeks they quoted had passed, I got no phone… Continue reading Honey Nut Cheerios + Coffee @ 11:30pm = dinner
Yes, that was a long time between posts. I’ve been… busy (killing time). I haven’t felt so motivated to bother doing the alt-tab mouse input thing in Metacity (the official window manager for GNOME), as other things which seem to eclipse it are being developed: Gimmie (which looks awesome!) AIGLX (Redhat) XGL (Novel) (very nice… Continue reading Untitled
Something I’ve always wondered about was the strange lack of mouse control in the ubiquitous alt-tab dialog. (And for UI “dialog“s, should I be using the Canadian spelling, “dialogue?”). I know Windows and GNOME do not supply this feature, and I’m pretty sure KDE does not have it, either. I’m not sure about OSX, however.… Continue reading alt-tab
Shopping @ Work
Today, my colleague peaked into my cubicle and asked, “Want a wireless router?” To which, I replied, “Huh?” We continued… “Want a wireless router? Five bucks.” “Uh….” (There must be a catch.) “Even if you don’t need one, … for five bucks….” “Yeah…. Yeah, I think I could handle that.” “I’ll send you the link.”… Continue reading Shopping @ Work
Library Books
Coming off of a nice family dinner very satiated, so I’m in a good position to do an update. I upgraded to WordPress 2.0 a while ago, but this is my first post since. Quite nice, from the admin side of things. 🙂 It’s even got a WYSIWYG editor, and a nice dialogue for inserting… Continue reading Library Books
Another “long” weekend that seems too short passes. For New Year’s Eve, I probably wasn’t going to do anything, but I ended up going for fondue with my mom and my sister to a friend of the family’s place. After eating, we watched March of the Penguins, a documentary on (you guessed it) penguins. It… Continue reading 2006