GThumb has mangled my photos

For quite a long time, I’ve primarily been using GThumb to manage my photos. It’s fast, did approximately what I needed it to do and had this great “Apply physical transformation” checkbox on the Rotate tool. GThumb’s Rotate Images Tool What this did, was look at the Orientation information in the photo (as recorded by… Continue reading GThumb has mangled my photos and Image Orientation

I was really puzzled… and in fact, I’m still puzzled, but at least it works now. Update: I’m a bit less puzzled now. I wasn’t using the correct version of (see comments). This post has been updated to correct any information. I also updated the CODE style because posting python code when whitespace is… Continue reading and Image Orientation

Love is in the air…

Two of my friends got married on August 25th, 2007. Congratulations to Kurtis and Nubia in São Paulo (sorry, I wasn’t able to attend), and Alex and Desiree in Vancouver (it was a very nice wedding). I’m happy for everyone! 😀 Also, within the same week, my big brother announced that he popped the question… Continue reading Love is in the air…

Cold Turkey Salad

I had this yesterday and it was so good I’m having it again today. It’s a nice salad for a hot day, made from a bunch of stuff that happened to be in the fridge: Mixed organic greens turkey avocado red pepper apple orange pine nuts dried cranberries raspberry vinaigrette Okay, so the pine nuts… Continue reading Cold Turkey Salad

Weird Dream

This post brought to you by #2 Orchestra. Have a listen while you read:   I rarely dream. Or, at least, I rarely remember them. I fell asleep with my music playing. So I had really vivid (and random) music playin in my dream… and I’m sure the shuffle had something to do with what… Continue reading Weird Dream

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