Another “long” weekend that seems too short passes. For New Year’s Eve, I probably wasn’t going to do anything, but I ended up going for fondue with my mom and my sister to a friend of the family’s place. After eating, we watched March of the Penguins, a documentary on (you guessed it) penguins. It was a really relaxing and enjoyable evening. Also, in addition to regular fondue, I got to try cheese and chocolate fondue for the first time! No surprises there, they were delicious. (Steve recommends strawberries and bananas dipped in chocolate…. oh so yummy!)
On New Year’s Day, I had a some friends over for a potluck. Everyone brought lots of great food, and I wish I could have had more of everything. We did pretty much what we set out to do: eat, drink, talk, and play video games. After having played Mario Party with 8 players (2 team members share a controller), we just had to do it again. Throw in a bit of Super Monkey Ball (2) and a little bit of an unusual purchase I made, earlier that day: the Donkey Kong Bongos for my Gamecube. Two of them. Actually, I got 2 “bundles” that come with a game and a bongo set. So I got the Donkey Konga 2 and the Donkey Kong Jungle Beat bundles…. and I must say, I’m quite happy with the rather impulsive purchase. Both games are quite fun (though the music selection could be better in Konga)…. and anyone can enjoy the music game – even if they don’t like the music (although, that definitely helps). Next time, though, I’d be up for a game of monopoly or something.
Oh, and I got my laptop back from Futureshop! I called to get a status update (haven’t heard from them since I took it in to them on Nov 12) and they told me it was there… ready! Apparently, they don’t know why I wasn’t called. *sigh* I haven’t even turned it on, yet. heh
Anyways, work is mere hours away. Update over.
silly bongos, too much…damn fun…wasting your energy….must hit, clap faster…hands in pain… daaaaaamn yooooou donkey kooong!