KDE, Soccer, and Exhaustion

I went to the VanLUG, on Monday, to see Aaron Seigo do a presentation on KDE – where it is now, and it’s direction for the future. Admittedly, I’m a Gnome user, myself, but I was interested in hearing about KDE from one of its core developers. Also, I believe in that happy place where Gnome users and KDE users frolic together.

It was great hearing about this stuff from someone who knows it so well. Even though he was basically just demoing applications, he could provide interesting background on everything. Highlights, for me, included:

  • Krita – 16bits/channel!
  • KOffice will support ODF natively

    KOffice is the first application not derived from OOo to use OpenDocument natively.

  • Kopete (I wonder if it can handle file transfers better than gaim…)
  • KHTML and KJS
    • A consortium is being set up to… “better coordinate” contributions back to the core
    • the Acid2 Test
    • Results I got when taking the test with Firefox 1.0.7:
    • Konqueror now passes this test
  • kdissert
  • Umbrello

I’m looking forward to see what comes out of KDE next.

*whew* I’m beat! A quick dump of a few more bloggy items:

  • Our soccer team came in first place in the round robbin!
  • Unfortunately, we lost our first game in the tournament, so that was the only game we got to play that day. 🙁 No more soccer – I’m kind of glad, actually, (Richmond is just so far away!), but I did enjoy it. 🙂
  • <shift> + <space> is a terrible combination for switching input modes.
  • It is my duty to share the good that was passed to me. This is a hillarious. And it includes ???!
  • I don’t like how little of my new monitor my website occupies. Expect a redesign, soon. Maybe something a little more… edgy.
  • …but not too soon.
  • I’m out.



  1. It’s funny how often the acid2 test gets mentioned. I remember Opera and Safari made similar statements before. I wonder why it’s left unhandled by the mozilla developers in the past few upgrades.

  2. ok, u made me click on that acid2 stuff cuz of that cute smiley. but i have no idea what’s happening, all i know is it’s not cute.

  3. Safari is based on Konq, and I believe Konq only passes it now because of some additions by Apple… But not entirely sure about that.

    Jon, I’ll make it up to you with something cute in the next post. Promise. 😉

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