ears.. ringing…

Went to a sake tasting event, today. Got to try quite a few different kinds of sake. But I must reference the paper we got before listing them… Well, the three I tried for the first time and I enjoyed the most were Pearl Momokawa Sake, Yoshi Organic Sake, and Wakatake “Onikoroshi.” At the end, during “last call,” I was one of four people that did a line of shots. I was the only one to “down them” relatively quickly, but I thought that was the idea.
After that event ended, I walked into the hall (this was in the UBC student union building) and heard live music. Had to investigate. The Science Undergraduate Society was putting on an event, as well. So I paid my 10$, got my 2$ cider, checked my 1$ bag/coat, and went to look for familiar faces and listen to music. I was pleasantly surprised, much later, when Default took the stage from “Stabilo!” But with all that sake and those couple ciders, it was by no stretch of the imagination that I rolled on my ankle in the mosh pit. I hope it’s not sprained. 🙁
They tossed out stuff to the crowd after they finished.. the singer tossed out jeans, the drummer tossed out drum sticks, and the guitarists tossed out picks that read: fuck you, i don’t use a pick – Default.


  1. Yeah… same ankle. It’s not so bad, though. No swelling, so it shouold be fine soon. Stupid ankle. Henceforth, I shall be known as Steve Rubber-Ankle Brown. 😐

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