Shoulda stayed at home

I had a retardedly stupid day, today. I got out of bed and eventually decided I’d skip my first class, and go later for my second (and only remaining) class. I got a (very) little bit done, and left for my class. Everything was going fine until I arrived at MacDonald and Broadway.
Waiting for the 99. Wow, it’s really late, considering it’s supposed to come every 5 minutes. Maybe 20 minutes pass, and a 99 bus drives right past us, with its marquee reading: “Sorry, bus full.” Damn. It starts to rain. It stops. It starts again. I eat a bun from my bag. Another 20 minutes later, another bus finally comes! I catch the last 30 minutes of class and head home. About 2 hours later, I’m back at home. Gee, that was worth it. :-/ I’m definitely looking forward to living w/my friend, Jesse, downtown. I’ll probably be moving in and seeing how it goes for a month or so, sometime in February.
Yesterday, I finished All Tomorrow’s Parties, by William Gibson. I’ve never read a book by Gibson, before. I can see why people say he’s talented. It was a nice break from the WoT series… but I only ended up reading it because it was on my PDA when I finished book 4 of WoT, and book 5 of WoT was not. Now I have no books left actually ON my Zaurus (that’s my PDA), and I’ll have to transfer them. I’ve transferred some class notes (PDFs), though…. *sigh*


  1. The 99’s really are packed, but at least they usually come frequently. Usually. And yeah, that *dramatic pause* “jesse” guy is alright at Soul Calibur, but I’m WAY better. Plus, I automatically rock more cuz I play with that character that has the huge bouncing breasts. 🙂

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