Firefox 1.0, Thunderbird 0.9, Nintendo DS

A couple of days ago, I had the misfortune of seeing my site in Internet Explorer. If anyone is using Internet Explorer, I strongly urge you to try Mozilla Firefox. And what better time? Version 1.0 just came out! I think that Google is even doing its own thing to celebrate and encourage poeple to upgrade from other browsers. Yes. It’s not a switch, it’s an upgrade.

Get Firefox

And while you’re at it, you might as well check out the Mozilla Email client, Thunderbird (0.9), as well. (It’s got embedded junk mail filtering…) That’s the last of my public service announcements, I swear.

Get Thunderbird

Last year, when I was in Japan, I seriously considered taking the bullet train to Tokyo to attend the Tokyo Game Show. For whatever reasons (there were a few), I did not go. Now, I discover that Nintendo (one of my all-time favourite game companies) held an event in Nagoya, near where I was staying! Touch DS was an even held in Port Messe, Nagoya, to premiere Nintendo’s new handheld game system: the Nintendo DS (Dual Screen). Nintendo has a crazy flash website up (in Japanese) which includes videos of Japanese people’s first impressions of the system. They’re pretty funny to watch; people mostly say “cute!” or “amazing!” or “I did it!” or “What’s this?”. It’s fun to watch business men fail at trying so hard not to crack a smile. 🙂


  1. I’m proud that I blogged about Firefox before you did. 😉

    I never realized that WP emoticon auto-checks for emoticons. Hm, why DOES Mr. Green have his own special icon? Isn’t he just some Mr. Yellow laughing, except looking like he got food poisoned?

  2. So the marked price for Nintendo DS is 199 CAD….ahm, so it’s slightly cheaper than the sony one….
    I am never into video games, but the last 5 months (ya, including the stay in China) was so brutal that I think I deserve a toy.

    Does DS look a little too…primitive to you all? The first time I saw its picture I thought it’s only a prototype.

  3. I think it’s kind of odd that there’s not any WordPress documentation about the available emoticons… And who would think of ‘mrgreen’? He’s almost like a secret. 🙂

    I think the Nintendo DS looks pretty cool, and if I was looking to get a handheld gaming system, then I’d probably get it. The Sony PSP looks better aesthetically, but it doesn’t really offer anything new, in my opinion. The PSP is like a gameboy advance on steroids… that can play Sony movies on that special Sony format. No thanks.

    But there’s no room for a handheld game system in my life, right now. 🙁

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