Crazy Spring Weather

A couple nights ago, on April 18 (!!!!), it started snowing in Deep Cove. This is NOT normal Spring weather! It’s even more strange because Deep Cove was the only place to get dumped on so bad, even compared to places right next to (and higher than) us! Anyway, it started as hail, then became snow, then became a mixture of rain and snow – which became really heavy. This new and sudden weight caused lots of trees and branches around us to fall. One of them fell onto our deck.

With all these trees falling down, the natural progression would be power outages. Along with the thunder and lightning, there were also a couple loud hums followed by the sky glowing an electric blue (an overloaded power transformer?). I couldn’t find any news items on this, yet – maybe on Monday. By this time, I was already soaking wet from using a handsaw to cut the branch fallen branch and shovelling the snow off our driveway, so I grabbed a flashlight and went for a walk. I frequently heard cracking as trees or branches were falling. The loud humming noise was coming from what I assume is a substation on the other side of Myrtle Park. Eventually, the power came back on, so I went home, had a hot shower, and went to sleep (was planning on heading to Whistler, bright and early).

It was a pretty random night. Blogged about it with Twitter a little.


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