new zaurus, firefox extensions, life

The new clamshell zaurus, the SL-C3000, is scheduled to come out in Japan on November 10th. It now includes a 4GB microdrive in addition to the 128MB RAM and the arrow keys have been replaced by a joystick! Still no embedded wi-fi, though. Still… me wants it, me does. I wonder what kind of updates the software will receive. My suggestion: official support for Linux boxes and PIM syncing, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! The Register has some info in English. 😉
I got flash objects working properly in Firefox again! My guess is that some artifact settings remained from my previous installations of Firefox and its extensions (flashblock, in particular), which was preventing flash objects from being displayed. This was strange, because it wouldn’t even display the border of the flash object. The root account had no problems, of course; it never does. I did a couple things like deleting the ~/.macromedia directory, and reinstalling the flash plugin everywhere I could think of, but what finally solved the problem (I think) was re-installing the flashblock extension and enabling it. Oddly enough, not having flash for many months did not bother me that much. I also installed the gmail notifier extension. Now I can click an icon in the Firefox statusbar to log in, and it displays the number of new mail I have in my inbox. Nifty.
School is basically my life, right now. I’m in 5 courses, and here’s what I think of them:
  1. 1st year Chemistry: I have to complete my lower-level requirements, and this is one of them. It’s okay, but it’s really time-consuming.
  2. Statistics: I recently talked to a guy who said this was one of the hardest courses he took, and that he never fails exams, but he failed this one. Guess it’s time to start studying….
  3. Computational Intelligence (AI): This course is alright. The instructor is from the US and is pretty funny when highlighting differences between Canada and the US.
  4. Computer Animation: I’m in over my head with this course. Too much math I don’t remember or just don’t understand. I didn’t even finish the first real assignment. Too busy. I hope this course doesn’t kill me. I haven’t looked at Assignment 2 yet….
  5. User Interface Design: I like this course. But there’s SO MUCH reading and the group project eats up a lot of time, as they usually do. Got a midterm coming up… but this is also the crunch time for our group’s project. Oh man… Ganbaro? 🙁


  1. I couldn’t understand why Sharp won’t put wifi on the clamshell, it’s a rather standard feature nowadays. Maybe they want to leave it till SL-C9999?
    School is too taihen~

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