WordPress 2.5 is out! This one makes me overly excited because it comes with a built-in gallery!!! FINALLY! And with multi-file upload!! I was just playing with it and It looks like it will suit my purposes just fine. I guess I will continue avoiding the Flickrs and other such community-based photo sites, for now.… Continue reading Free Software to Look Forward to
Tag: Gnome
GNOME Panel / Ubuntu UI Musings
Reading Ubuntu 7.10 Pragmatic Visual Presentation Critique got me thinking about a better way to position applets and launchers on the panels in GNOME. Imagine if you have locked all your applets and you’re trying to move a new applet to a specific location, you have to first unlock every applet which involves a right… Continue reading GNOME Panel / Ubuntu UI Musings
Screenshot update! Still no version… as it’s still just a husk of a UI… mostly. I’ve changed the GUI quite a bit. Actually, what it is now took a surprisingly long time to arrive at. I spent time going through some ideas on paper, and I even did a huge amount of refactoring to make… Continue reading PhotoFile
GThumb has mangled my photos
For quite a long time, I’ve primarily been using GThumb to manage my photos. It’s fast, did approximately what I needed it to do and had this great “Apply physical transformation” checkbox on the Rotate tool. GThumb’s Rotate Images Tool What this did, was look at the Orientation information in the photo (as recorded by… Continue reading GThumb has mangled my photos
touch PhotoFile
So I’m going with the name PhotoFile for my new project. Clever, I know. Actually, not sure what exists out there already, like this or with a similar name. A quick google search didn’t reveal much. Either way, I’m sure nothing exists that is quite so perfect for ME (I’m incredibly selfish), and I think… Continue reading touch PhotoFile
I’m currently working on an idea I’ve been kicking around for a long time: This is being done in Python and PyGTK. It’s mostly just GUI stuff at the moment (none of the operations are functional), as I’m learning GTK as I go. And even though I’ve done a bit of reading regarding Python, it’s… Continue reading Project()
Pidgin 2.1 UI Ideas
Quite a lot of UI modifications have been made to Pidgin since 2.0, in a relatively short time. I’m happy to say, it’s gradually getting better. The window has a minimum size which prevents UI elements from being cut off, the text formatting has been collected into a drop-down menu, and it generally looks much… Continue reading Pidgin 2.1 UI Ideas
Random UI Stuff and Link Dump
Radial menus in GNOME! libsexier, indeed! Awesome. I was wondering when radial menus would creep their way to the desktop. After watching the video, I enabled Desktop Effects in Feisty and ran the demo, but the performance wasn’t very good. I’m not sure why. Should I be using an updated Cairo or other lib? Does… Continue reading Random UI Stuff and Link Dump
Scanning in Linux
After actually using my all-in-one printer/scanner/fax/copier thing for scanning some photos, I’ve discovered it’s not actually that great as a scanner; Jack of all, master of none, I guess. It has trouble differentiating any dark colour from black, so the resulting scans have an excessive amount of black in them and generally much fewer colours… Continue reading Scanning in Linux
How to open a folder with the default file-manager in mono/C#
using System.Diagnostics; … Process.Start (“file:///home/”); Did a bit of IRC channel ping-pong today. Went over to #f-spot to ask a user-related question about f-spot, and got pulled in by curiosity on a totally unrelated topic: opening a folder with the default file-manager. Initiated some discussion on #mono and discovered this was, in fact, not trivial… Continue reading How to open a folder with the default file-manager in mono/C#