Dinner: Sautéed Salmon

Sauteed Salmon and Asparagus

Eager to use some new kitchenware I bought over the weekend (a post in itself, perhaps), I made dinner last night. Along with the salmon, I stir-fried veggies & rice and attempted a simple white sauce using a white wine reduction. All things considered, it went pretty well. The biggest problem was that the salmon was too dry by the time we ate: I shouldn’t have fully cooked it, because it became a bit overcooked while staying “warm” in the oven waiting for me to finish the rest. I used a single sauté pan because I wanted the flavours of everything in the reduction/sauce – so I should have planned better. I also think I used a bit too much oil. I had never tried making a white sauce or a reduction before, but they turned out quite decent. The red onions used as garnish on top of the salmon were also sautéed in a little white wine, making them sweet. The sauce ended up compensating for the dry salmon. I had a decent lunch today. And it was pretty low carb, too! 😀

I like my new pots. And knives. Cooking’s fun. 🙂


  1. do you cover the salmon when it’s in the oven?
    kat baked some the other week with simple dill/lemon/butter & added some water halfway i think

    literally best slab o’ sea meat I ever had
    no lie

  2. I didn’t cover it, no. Thought about doing it, but hoped I wouldn’t be so long in the other stuff. I also turned it up too high, at first.

    Baked salmon can be de-lish! 😀 Salmon is pretty fail-safe, but it’s a shame when it’s not amazing. 🙂

  3. Bake salmon that have same thickness. Saute veggies separately.
    OOOOrrrrrrrrr Flash fry in wok skin side down to make crunchy. Replace fish with stir fry 2 min. Delicious Amen

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