Rhythmbox Jump-to-playing Plugin

This plugin will display the View : Jump to Playing Song link as a button in the toolbar and as link in the Browser’s context menu. This is about as simple as a plugin could be (which is partly why I wrote it), but I’ve actually found it quite useful. Maybe you will too.



jump-to-playing-0.1.tar.gz (Update: Newer version is available.)


  1. Extract the jump-to-playing folder into your ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/ directory.
  2. (Re)Start Rhythmbox and enable the plugin in Edit : Plugins.


  • Add Configure dialog with checkboxes for toolbar and browser context menu, defaulting to toolbar only (both is a little redundant). Currently, both are added automatically.
    [x] Add button to toolbar
    [_]Add link to browser context menu
  • Force “Properties” to bottom of browser context menu (may depend on placeholder being added to the context menu)
  • Hide toolbar button in Small Display mode.


  1. I really like the plugin you made for Rhythmbox. I’m not a great programmer but I’m still in college and will hopefully get better. ๐Ÿ˜› One thing I would really like to see is an option that brings up an input box that will Jump To a song and start playing. I used this feature in WinAmp years ago and I loved it. Anytime you were working and had a urgency to hear one song in particular you could use a keyboard shortcut to bring up this box to search for and play a particular song. Please let me know if this is something that you might think about implementing. I would love to help out any way possible. Let me know. Thanks so much. Keep up the good work.

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